Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Positive Discipline: Reward System for My Son

I'd like to preface this post by saying that I am no kind of child expert and that I am merely a mom, sharing my idea with you for rewarding my son for positive behavior.  It was suggested to me that rather than focus on the negative behaviors I don't want my son to do and doling out consequences for those, I place more emphasis on the behavior I do want him to do and reward that behavior.

Now don't misunderstand me; I am not saying that kids don't deserve consequences and discipline for bad behavior.  But, I can certainly see how rewarding good behavior would send the right message.  B.F. Skinner would agree, I'm sure!  Anyhow, I digress.  I simply wanted to say that there are as many correct ways to parent as there are children and that we are trying something different and I wanted to share what I am doing with you, in the event you might find any tidbit helpful.  Also, I wanted to note that my son is a seventh grader so if you choose to use any of my ideas, you'll know they were tailored for a 12 year old.

We chose to start small rather than take on everything at once so we will be focusing on 3 positive behaviors for now.  For the time being, the 3 behaviors are:
  • School attendance
  • Homework
  • Chores
Our 3 behaviors can and probably should change as he gets a good grasp on what is expected of him and masters the behavior.  But for quite some time, we will be working on these.  My son has a behavior chart that lists each behavior and the day of the week:

On the page following this chart are both the description of each behavior goal and an explanation of the reward system I am implementing.  I feel the description of each goal is an important part of the reward system and that it needs to be in writing and posted so that my son knows exactly what is expected of him and what each behavior entails.  For our current 3 behaviors, these are the explanations:

Description of Behavior Goals:


1.School attendance: Make it to school every day on time and be on time to each class

Ø Note: Absences will happen and you might be sick but you only get a green check if you went to school all day

Ø There is 1 exception: If Mom pulls you out of school early for a doctor’s appointment, you can still earn a green check if you were on time to school and each class before you left

2.Homework: Do every homework assignment and hand in on time; work on homework as soon as you get home from school each day you have homework

3.Chores: After homework is completed, complete chores from daily, weekly, and monthly chore charts
I scoured the internet looking for reward ideas and also came up with quite a few on my own based on what my son likes.  Feel free to use any of the following reward ideas or tailor some for your child based on what they like to do.  Also, it's my opinion that the best rewards don't cost anything but consist of time spent with your child.  For example, playing a board game together.  That said, I did include some rewards that would cost money as well.  My son has been made aware that he can choose these rewards provided that we can afford them at that time.  Here are the reward ideas:
Rewards for Nick’s Good Behavior:
Ø Ultimate Awesome Week!!! = 21 green checkmarks 
Ø Possible rewards for an ultimate awesome week  
o  Mom or Bill makes dinner of your choice
o  Mom does 3 of your chores 3 days the following week
o  Help Mom make a special dessert to celebrate your awesome week (brownies, cookies, etc.)
o  Trip to candy store for candy of your choice under $5
o  Work on craft of your choice with Mom
o  Stay up until 10:30 one night the following week
o  Mom will play 2 board games of your choice with you
o  Sleepover at Grandma’s house
o  Mom will buy you a candy bar of your choosing
o  Go to Dairy Queen for ice cream
Ø A Good Week = 17-20 green checkmarks
Ø Possible rewards for a good week
o  Watch a movie/program of your choice after homework and chores (On demand, DVD, etc.)
o  Mom will do 1 chore for you next week
o  A drink from Starbucks
o  Mom will play 1 board game of your choice with you
Ø A Decent Week = 13-16 green checkmarks
Ø Possible rewards for a decent week
o  Make hot chocolate with marshmallows with Mom
o  30 extra minutes of computer time
o  A soda of your choosing
Ø 0-12 green checkmarks
Ø Sorry you didn’t have such a great week this week but no worries; next week is a fresh start and just work on doing your best and being the best Nick you can be!
Ø 2 Ultimate Awesome Weeks in a row
Ø Possible rewards
o  Trip to library to check out books of your choosing
o  Go on a long walk with Mom (During warm weather)
o  Have a friend over for dinner
o  Skip all chores for 1 day next week
o  Go to a park with the family (During warm weather)
Ø 3 Ultimate Awesome Weeks in a row
Ø Possible rewards
o  Trip to Half Price Books for 1 book of your choosing under $20
o  Game night with the family – Mom, Bill, etc. will play several games with you, e.g.: cards, Monopoly, etc.
o  Skip all chores for 2 days next week
o  Special day out – e.g.: a museum, Sky Zone, Great Times (an Indianapolis establishment similar to Chuck E. Cheese), etc. (Provided we can afford it that week)
Ø 4 Ultimate Awesome Weeks in a row
Ø Possible rewards
o  A Lego set $30 or less
I also included a note with the reward system that explains how getting consecutive multiple Ultimate Awesome Weeks will work:


v When you have 2 or more Ultimate Awesome Weeks in a row, you not only earn the reward for having a single Ultimate Awesome week, but rewards continue to build.  For example: The first week you have an Ultimate Awesome Week, you earn a trip to Dairy Queen.  The second week you have an Ultimate Awesome Week and then you choose to have a sleepover at Grandma’s house for your weekly prize but you also get to skip all of your chores for 1 day the following week (a reward for 2 Ultimate Awesome Weeks).  The third consecutive week you have an Ultimate Awesome Week so you earn your weekly reward like a candy bar of your choosing plus your 3 week reward like a trip to Great Times!!!

So this is what we are doing in order to encourage the type of behavior I'd like to see out of my 12 year old. We haven't had much experience using this system yet, but I will report back on how well it works! Thanks for letting me share!



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